How To Burn Calories Quickly After Cardio

Cardio exercise is asked as the most effective exercise to burn calories. Why, this sport is rapidly burn fat so that your metabolism run more smoothly. However, we still can make the body still burn calories even after perfect completing the circuit of cardio exercise. Try doing the following trick:

* Lower body temperature with cold water. Research conducted in Britain revealed that respondents who drank cold water after exercise can burn calories 25 percent longer than those who ate the warm water. Plus, the respondents also claimed, practice sessions become lighter when they drink cold water.

Actually, not only after exercise, cold water is also good is consumed before exercising. In fact, the study revealed that drinking cold water during exercise can increase stamina to burn more calories.

* Do not forget to swing your arms while walking. Enough with the elbow flexed 90 degrees and swing to accompany footsteps, we can burn more calories. Additional calories are burned unmitigated, could reach 15 percent more.

Make sure when you swing, fist in front of the chest during the swing upward and the thumb on to the waist when the swing is at the bottom.

* Listen to your favorite songs. Exercising while listening to music will burn 20 percent more fat, even when we listen to the song stops. This is known after the West London's Brunel University to do research.

Why music makes us not saturated and is always excited. This will make us move more quickly, explains Costas Karageorghis, PhD, chairman of the study.

* Do not forget to add a little weight. When we use a dumbbell, the key is not just how many repetitions we do, but how much weight we choose. Even with the same number of reps, use heavier weights will burn more calories. For example, dumbbell 5 pounds with 10 reps, still less effective than the use of 10 kg dumbbell. Even the calories will keep burning 25 percent more, after we completed the movements.

A heavier load will make the protein breakdown in muscle more. This means that the body will require more energy to repair and form new muscle tissue, explains the head of research Anthony Caterisano, PhD, of Furman University.

Not only that, training with heavy loads even if only performed a total of 3-6 reps will increase metabolism while you sleep. That is, the calories burned during sleep will be 8 percent more. This amount in one year equal to 2.5 pounds of fat lost from the body.

* Exercise outdoors. Besides being more fresh air, exercise in the open space or outdoor will also make you burn 10 percent more calories, compared with the exercising indoors. Jay Blahnik, author of Full Body Flexibility, explains, moving against the wind direction could be the element to burn more calories. That's because the body needs more energy to move downwind.

* Remember to stretch. This is something we can do to make the muscles remain flexible during exercise. "Plus, it will make the muscles stronger while weight training and make the muscles supple and long while doing aerobics," says Sharon Willett, a physical therapist at Virginia Sportmedicine Institute in Virginia, USA.

Let's burn more calories to the body's metabolism more smoothly. No need to think hard to increase the calories burned, just to do simple tricks above. Congratulations to burn calories!