Cardio and HIIT

There are two main keys to more efficient at burning body fat reserves in the body:
Fat is energy reserves. The new fat is used when the body was not getting enough energy to support their daily activities. Therefore calories when cutting should be less than calories used.
Determining how much the optimal calorie deficit for fat loss is also not arbitrary. The deficit is too small then the fat loss process will be too slow. The deficit is too large entity instead will go into "starvation mode" or sometimes referred to as "survival mode" in which the caloric deficit is too large for a long time makes the body think that you're in a bad season, hard to get something to eat, and not necessarily be able to eat tomorrow. As a result, body metabolism is slower to save energy and the breakdown of fat into energy is restricted to anticipate situations that may still be hungry for long.
Fortunately how big the optimal calorie deficit for fat loss has been widely studied and we stayed just read the conclusion:500kal enough caloric deficit of total daily caloric intake of our recommendations.The benchmark is appropriate for people who have a body "average". To which extreme or already incorporated into the category of clinically obese 500kal not fit into a calorie deficit and uses benchmarks 20% of total daily caloric intake of our recommendations.
I suppose the average person with 2500kal/hari calorie needs.then my daily calorie requirement for cutting into 2500kal - 500 = 2000kal.We'll see if any difference when I use the benchmark of 20%:2500kal - (20% x 2500kal) = 2500kal - 500kal = 2000kalSame thing right!
Now living a calorie deficit is what it needs.Does that reduced it all or just a few things only.
When talking about diets and food in general we directly discuss the macronutrient. What is a macronutrient please read wikipedia but illuminating macronutrient there are 3: carbo, protein, and fat. Macronutrient masing2 function? Read the wikipedia again yes
Log into FHB we usually reply directly bombarded by more senior member2 with the words "less karbonya, added protein!" Why?(Indonesia's most confused person if ordered to reduce the carbohydrates of rice. Eat what future?)
Carbo carbo intake should be reduced because the hormone insulin secretion provoked in large quantities which, although indispensable for the transport of nutrients into the cell body but also very influential in making the body into "fat storing mode."briefly:carbo enter the blood sugar rises --- --- --- insulin increased body fat storing mode entry if entrant excessive carbo.
Proteins on the other hand produce the same amount of energy with carbohydrates (1g carb = 1g of protein = 4kal) but not too fishing sekresei insulin. Therefore increases the risk of becoming fat than smaller proteins.
But when carbo reduced the entry to be reduced caloric totak dong. I'll be a starvation mode?That's why when carbo reduced protein coupled to meet its energy needs.
For simplicity let's create a diet plan comparison makronutriennya (carb: protein: fat)Comparison of macronutrient for fat loss is usually around 50:30:20 (suitable for new-first time changing your diet), 40:40:20 (common serious fitnesmania) or 30:50:20 (pretty extreme, usually make the preparation of the contest)
The latter is the frequency of eating.3x a day for ordinary people, new-4x a day for trying to change the diet, 5-6x for optimal. For the distance of time between meals serata possible.
I'm not fat I'll skinny pingin fuels, why even eat more often?
The more often the frequency of eating the body so it thinks that the current food supply and there is no reason to store energy reserves as fat. Besides, if it means eating every 3 hours of digestion organs constantly working to digest food and it uses energy to digest food.

Body for life, actually also burn energy but the energy burned to just live alone is not enough to erode the reserves of fat. Unless your job involves a lot of physical labor such as farming or construction workers, then the sport becomes the only way to increase calories burned body.
There are two kinds of exercise commonly performed to ensure the effective cutting program:
a. Weight Training
The goal is to increase muscle mass in the body. When muscle mass increases, the network that needs to be fed and nourished more and more. This means that the body burns more calories even when not doing apa2. Imagine the amount of your muscle mass as the fuel capacity of your vehicle. The larger cc engine of a car's gasoline increasingly wasteful.
Weight training for cutting is no different with weight training as usual. The number of reps is just (+ - 12x) with sufficient load. High reps (+20) with light weights to burn fat is a myth, unless you want to make the weight training as a means of cardio ....
b. Cardiovascular Exercise (Cardio)
Cardio activity is directly benar2 who aims to use fat reserves to be burned into energy. Rarely there are people who can achieve its goal to reduce body fat levels without doing cardio.
For brevity characteristic of cardio exercise is the number repetisinya infinity.Jenis2 cardio exercise such as road / running, swimming, and biking along with all its variations that use "synthetic environments" such as using a treadmill, stationary bike, cross trainer, stepper, etc..We never counted how many times his foot while jogging?
When doing cardio for FATLOSS we need not care about speed or how many levels in tradmill inclinenya. That needs attention is the heartbeat (Heart Rate) and the duration or how long cardio is done.
Target Heart Rate (HR) which is intended 65-75% MHR (Maximum Heart Rate).HR range between 65-75% MHR has been widely demonstrated benar2 use fat as an energy source, rather than glycogen nor of muscle protein. Beautiful again approximately 65-75% MHR intensity such as brisk walking only. So do not worry about not being strong run and so forth. Doing cardio with HR at 65-75% MHR is often referred to as "Moderate Intensity Steady State Cardio Exercise"
Duration cardio target is between 30-60 minutes. To be safe I recommend 45 minutes.Why is between 30-60 minutes? Because less than 30 minutes the body is still using the glycogen (blood sugar) as energy. After glycogen depleted around the 25th minute s / d 30 new and used fat as an energy source. Above 60 minutes, well ... first you are at risk of hunger and the body may go into starvation mode. Second ... who wants more than an hour of cardio?
When should I do cardio. Whenever the truth. Morning, noon, afternoon, evening no problem. But ada2 time when cardio to burn fat more efficiently:- After waking up in the morning because of low levels of glycogen in the body after "fasting" during sleep for + - 8 hours. This is called "empty stomach cardio."- After weight training weight training because when we use the majority of our glycogen for energy.
There are other ways to do cardio for fat loss that became popular a few years of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Because of the high intensity HIIT cardio session can then be cut to around 30 minutes.
Which is the most effective fat burning for you? There is no definitive answer. Everyone has different bodies respond differently. The only way to menetahui which one is best for you is to try them one at a time and compare their own results.