Burn Fat Build Muscle

Sports activities to burn calories in order to function not excessive calories into fat in the body. Exercise regularly with moderate to severe intensity plays an important role in preventing various diseases and help to combat adverse effects of overweight.

Aerobic exercise, at least 30 minutes every day and practiced regularly, has been proven to burn fat and toning muscles. That's why aerobic exercise should be part of a strategy to cut the excess weight.

Nevertheless, if we add aerobic exercises with muscle building exercises, like lifting weights, the result will be better. "Muscle tissue requires more calories," says Janet Walberg Ranin, PhD, professor in the Exercise Science Program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, USA.

If we increase muscle mass while reducing fat, then we increase the burning capacity. "Until the evening, when you sit in meetings or reading, your muscles are just continuing to work to burn calories," says Ranin.

Endurance exercise is not only limited to lifting weights. If you really want to train other muscle groups, the best way is to go to the gym and ask the coach demonstrate proper exercises. In the gym too often there are various tools to use the neck muscles, arms, chest, or legs. If you already know, you could do a similar exercise at home.

Choose the regular practice of a fairly intense, frequent, and in a sufficient period of time with the right kind of exercise gradually. The more often you do it, the faster increase your muscle mass. Thus, the more fat is burned.