5 Ways to Increase Walking Results

Each went to work in the morning, I am always happy to see the sights on this one: some elderly people were pacing back and forth on a public street housing complex clean air and fresh. Do not be mistaken, they are not confused or crazy. Instead, they're in good health and fit due diligent exercise, especially walking with a routine every day.

Not to be outdone by the elderly is not it? Immediately grab your walking shoes and follow these 5 tips for maximum results.

Take a large step with a more nimble feet to get the benefits of cardio twice, said experts from the University of Alberta, Canada. Experts found that women who walked at a moderate pace will extend their aerobic capacity twice, compared to those who walk leisurely. Intend yourself to walk briskly for 30 minutes each time to practice.

2. Steeper.  
Walking on uneven surfaces, such as on rocks or on hiking trails, would create a seldom-used muscles will work more optimally, such as the gluteus muscles (the buttocks) and adductor (in the thigh). Down the steep surface will also improve your balance, according to the Oregon Research Institute.

3. INVESTMENTS IN socks.  
No matter if you shell out more to get special socks that have a protective layer soles of the feet, which can reduce the shock when walking. That way, you can walk away with ease.

4. Turn your body over.  
Take time 1-5 minutes to walk backwards, in order to strengthen the hips and buttocks without having to provide extra strain on the knees. Walking backwards when climbing hills will burn 20% more calories than walking forward, said the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy.

5. FOCUS. 
Loss of concentration could lead to the disappearance of the opportunity to challenge yourself. Charlie Brown, Ph.D., a sports psychologist in Charlotte, advised to look away every few minutes, from a point located 30 meters ahead to a point in sight. Then, please introspection. Are you still strong run faster, or that far you have been breathing fast but stable.